Bathroom lighting might be one of the most important lighting situations in your household. You get ready for the rest of your day in the bathroom, you can’t have lighting that doesn’t do you justice in the morning. Sometimes, you might want to just relax in your bathroom, with dimmer lights. Think about the lighting you have now in your bathroom. Can it shine light on your face in the morning so you don’t miss any spots while shaving? Can you make your lighting relaxing for that night bath after a long day at work? If either of those questions makes you think hard the lighting in your bathroom, it might be time to think about getting your bathroom remodeled in Maryland.

A newly remodeled bathroom with great lighting.

Is My Lighting Bad?

Bad lighting in your bathroom can make or break your day. With bad lighting in your bathroom, you could miss that smudge of breakfast on the corner of your lip, and you could only find it when you’ve been in public for an hour already. If you can’t see well in your bathroom, or you find yourself missing facial hairs and breakfast smudges because of bad lighting, it could be time to rethink the lighting in your bathroom.

However, lighting in the bathroom is way more than just getting ready in the morning. The bathroom can also be treated as a spa. Can your lighting create the spa feeling when you need it to? Bathroom’s are multipurpose, and your lighting should be too.

How Do I Improve My Lighting?

There is a multitude of things you can do to improve your bathroom lighting. For one, new lighting fixtures. This could mean new sconces, cleaning your old ones, a new overhead, or anything in between. There are so many different lighting fixtures, from traditional to nontraditional. You can put lights on the outside your mirror to prevent weird shadows over your face that might cause you to miss a spot or two while shaving. You could layer lights with main lighting and accent lighting, and that can help create different atmospheres in your bathroom.

Beyond lighting fixtures, you can use different light bulbs. Higher wattage light bulbs are brighter, and therefore you could see your face better. If you aren’t looking for an overall brighter bathroom, think about getting a dimmer installed so you can have different types of lighting, from ambient to bright, and you can have the lighting you want, whenever you want.

The Bath Doctor is Here to Help!

If you’re looking to get your bathroom remodeled in Maryland, Bath Doctor is here to help you pick the right lighting for your bathroom. Contact us today for more information on how we can turn your bathroom in to the most well lit room in the house.